TabNote FAQs
Is TabNote Free?
Yes, TabNote is completely free to use as it’s an open source web extension and it can be used offline as well.
Can I use TabNote as a clipboard or a notepad?
TabNote is a tool that you can use as either clipboard, a notepad or both at the same time. Paste your links and clippings and type down notes at the same time.
Is it possible to customize TabNote? How can I do that?
TabNote offers many customization options - all you have to do is right-click on the TabNote icon in the toolbar of your browser and find the "Options" section in the drop-down menu. This will lead you to a Settings page where you can change font size, family, color and background color as well as shift between different eye comfort modes.
Can I save my notes in TabNote?
Yes, you can! Just click Ctrl+S and your files will be saved as a .html extension that you can view again in your browser.
Are my notes secure?
No, your notes are 100% saved locally, so they will remain safe and off the radar of intrusive eyes.