Optimizing Marketing Performance through Integration of HubSpot, Google Ads, and Meta


A SAAS B2B company was struggling with high CAC and low-quality lead generation from their online campaigns. They came with a

After evaluationf ther martech stack we identify they were using

Hubspot + Google Ads + Meta ( use screenshots from google ads transparancy, Meta ads library & Builtwith)

Meta ads library

After audintg the stack ( Add platform and hubspot screenshots)

The solution was HubSpot’s first-party data with their Google Ads and Meta advertising campaigns and set up server-to-server tracking for more accurate conversion data.

To reduce CAC, increase lead volume, and improve lead quality by leveraging a unified data strategy and more precise tracking mechanisms.

Implementation (Paid)

1. Data Integration:

Connected HubSpot’s CRM data with Google Ads and Meta to utilize enriched first-party data for targeting.

Preparation: Verify that the Google Ads account is individual and active. The HubSpot user should have Publish access on HubSpot and Admin access on Google Ads.

Connection Setup:

• In HubSpot, go to Marketing > Ads and select “Connect account.”

• Choose Google Ads, then log in with your Google account and grant permissions.

Account Selection:

• Choose the Google Ads accounts to connect, or create a new one directly in HubSpot with necessary details like account name and currency.

Connection Management:

• Manage and view details of connected accounts under Marketing > Ads in HubSpot, adjusting access and permissions as needed.

sourceL: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/ads/connect-your-google-ads-account-to-hubspot

Segmented audiences based on engagement level, purchase history, and lead scoring metrics from HubSpot.

2. Campaign Setup:

• Launched targeted campaigns on Google Ads and Meta using custom audiences derived from HubSpot segments.

• Implemented dynamic ad creatives tailored to the user’s stage in the buying journey.

3. Server-to-Server Tracking Setup:

• Configured server-to-server conversion tracking for both platforms to capture both online (e.g., form submissions, eBook downloads) and offline conversions (e.g., in-store purchases, phone inquiries).

Results (Dummy Data)